
domenica 1 luglio 2012

Nail art of the day: FORZA AZZURRI!

Semplicemente, forza ragazzi! Comunque vada, mi avete già regalato un sogno!

Simply, let's go guys! No matter what it will happen, you have already given me a dream!

5 commenti:

  1. Really nice mani!
    Sad that Italy didn't win, but what don't kill you makes you stronger ;)

  2. Grazie mille ragazze! Thank you so much ladies!
    Ho abbastanza penato per farla ma ne è valsa la pena, indipendentemente dalla tranvata nelle gengive che abbiamo poi preso! :D


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Your comments made my day and I always try to reply as much as possible! Please refrain from spamming or link dropping, if you want me to visit your website send me an email! :)