
mercoledì 27 febbraio 2013

ABC Challenge: H for H&M Something Blue

I had big plans for letter H. I wanted to use four different creme shades, one per nail, and then added to them a holographic touch with a watermarble.
But it wasn't possible because of SNOW. Snow, snow, snow everywhere!
I was born and raised in a village in the center of Italy, on the Adriatic Sea, where snow is an exceptional event and usually lasts for a couple of hours before melting. I live in North Italy since 2002, but I still can't stand the typical cold of the Pianura Padana area and I still hate snow!!!
Anyway: no sun, no holographic polishes. Sigh.
So I decided to pick a H&M polish for letter H, and I chose Something Blue. It is a super nice medium blue with a creme finish.
Application was really easy, it has a very good formula. Two coats in my pics.
Moreover, it dries super glossy and fast and has a good longevity too.
After the big disappointment caused by Going Bananas, I can say that I make peace with H&M!
That's all I have for you today, thank you for reading and watching and don't forget to take a look at the entries here below!

Avevo grandi progetti per la lettera H: volevo pittarmi le unghie con quattro diversi smalti creme e poi renderli olografici con la watermarble.
E invece no: NEVE, neve, neve ovunque!
Vivo al Nord da oltre dieci anni, ma io sono terrona nell'animo, non ce la faccio ad abituarmi a freddo polare e neve malefica. O al tempo uggioso e nuvoloso.
Insomma, no sole, no smalti holo. Ho ripiegato quindi su un H&M che stazionava da un po' nella mia untrieds box, il Something Blue.
Something Blue è un bel blu medio dal finish cremoso, che asciuga davvero rapidamente e con un aspetto superlucido. Applicazione semplice e scorrevole, durata buona.
Posso dire di aver fatto pace con H&M, dopo l'arrabbiatura presa con Going Bananas.

Per oggi è tutto, vi ricordo che se volete curiosare qui sotto è pieno di fantastiche entries delle mie compagne di avventura e... A domani con l'ultima (???) puntata della Rainbow!

Applicazione / Application
Asciugatura / Drying time
Coprenza / Pigmentation
Durata / Longevity

44 commenti:

  1. I don't have snow here and I still couldn't do what I had in mind for the challenge! At least you still showed a beautiful polish.

    1. Thank you! :)
      Sometimes I have a lot of ideas in my mind and I don't have the time to create them or I break a nail or something... Quite frustrating. :D

  2. Wow, what a nice deep shade of blue!

    1. I love it, it's the perfect base for a gradient, or a stamping manicure, etc. etc. :)

  3. Beautiful blue! ...girl I still don't know how can you live with such long nails! I let mine grow a bit and I scratch everything! They're dangerous for me! Lol!

    1. Lol! :D
      I feel comfortable with the lenght of my nails but I suppose it depends on the fact that they have grown very gradually, it took me three years to reach this lenght so I had the time to get used to.
      Neverthless, they're really dangerous, sometimes I scratch myself and it really hurts. :D

  4. Dai, non fa così freddo dove sei tu, ci sono posti ben peggiori! Cmq bello smalto, celo ancora da provare

    1. Io son terrona, per me qua è peggio della Siberia! :D Per non parlare dei 40 gradi all'ombra estivi. :D (sìsìsì, quanto me piasce lamentarmi!)

  5. Too bad that you couldn't use holo's but the color of this polish looks amazing! LOL it's so funny to read that it's snowing in Italy, since it's not snowing in the Netherlands. Usually it's the other way around :P

    1. You're right, it's quite unusual. :D
      In the zone where I live it usually snows two or three times a year, but I always feel low when it happens. :(
      Anyway, I agree with you, this shade is absolutely amazing! :)

  6. Yay! That's a good replacement! It reminds me of ChG First mate, which is a stunning polish :D Love it!

  7. I feel your pain on the lack of's been snowing in Chicago for a few days and I'm ready for some sun! I love this color though, it's absolutely gorgeous!

    1. The funniest thing is that now the weather is muuuuuch better. A bit warmer and sunny. But I'm sick. :D

  8. Hey, no probs here: you pulled something beautiful out of the "H" hat, Cristina!

    I'm in full R&D mode over the letter "I" and finding nada in my collection, think I might just check into a convent instead. Can't think of a THING!

    Pretty mani! :)

    1. Thank you so much!
      I must admit that I've been really lazy for letter I, I simply picked an Illamasqua polish from my stash... :D

  9. I had the same issue, I planned on a cool skittle holo mani and when I got up to start my mani....SNOW! Stupid stupid snow. Oh well This is a pretty color! The seconf H&M of the challenge and you girls are making me want to try my H&M's out!

    1. I think I have twenty H&M polishes in my stash, and I love every single of them! (uhm, wait, I love them all except for Going Bananas... :D )
      You definitely should try them! ;)

  10. Bello lui! E' talmente lucido che sembra jelly, non so se sia per il top coat o meno.

    1. E' quasi tutto merito suo, il TC gli ha dato il colpo di grazia ma è lucidisssssimo di fabbrica! ;)

  11. Oh this is a gorgeous blue! I really wish that I had access to H & M !

    1. I haven't had access to H&M polishes for years, I was so happy when the stores in my city started to sell them last year! :)

  12. E' bellissimo, peccato che ci sia uno shimmerino nella bottiglia che poi non si vede sulle unghie!

  13. Ma no, sorry per il commento prima: mi sono confusa con l'altro blu della H&M, Why so Blue, anche perché mi sembra che si assomiglino pure!

    1. Sai che Why so Blue mi manca proprio??? Al prossimo giro sbircio di sicuro, grazie per il suggerimento! :)

  14. This is the perfect dark blue!! I've never heard of H&M polish....I'm intrigued!!

    1. I bought my very first H&M polishes during a holiday in NY, I immediately fell in love with them and I was so happy when I found them in Italy! :)

  15. Cool color! I gotta check out the H&M polishes next week!

    1. You definitely should, I read that they have released a lot of new shades! :)

  16. Bellissimo, mi state facendo innamorare di questi smalti H&M!


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