
mercoledì 27 marzo 2013

ABC Challenge: L for Layla CE #54 Green Galaxy

Hi ladies!
Today I have another polish from an Italian brand which is known also overseas: Layla CE #54 Green Galaxy.
Green Galaxy has a beautiful dark green base with a jelly finish and very fine green glitters, and two sizes of green hex glitters. It's really a stunning and quite unusual shade!
Formula is really runny, so I recommend very thin coats and/or the use of a rubberized base coat (or a massive clean-up after application!).
Three coats in my pics, it dries quite fast and has a good longevity.
I rarely buy Layla products because they're quite pricey even here in Italy (Ceramic Effects retail for 7.60€), but I think that Green Galaxy deserves its price!
Before leaving, just a couple of notes: I'm a bit uninspired in this period, as I've already wrote I'm having some issues in my real life and I don't think I'll be able to solve them in a next future. I'm really sorry because, during this challenge, I'm simply showing you a series of nail polishes and I haven't created a "real" nail art yet. When I look at the posts of the other lovely partecipating ladies, I feel like an awful blogger. They create stunning nail arts, show unusual polishes and write super nice posts. I simply update a couple of pics, I review the polish of the day and that's all. So: I solemly promise that I will create a nail art for letter M. I already have a nice idea in my mind, I don't know if I'll be able to do a nice job, but I'll try!
Thank you for reading and watching ladies, and see you soon!

Ciao ragazze!
Altro appuntamento con la nostra ABC Challenge, e stavolta mi gioco uno splendido smalto Layla, il CE #54 Green Galaxy. 

Green Galaxy ha una base verde scuro dal finish jelly in cui albergano glitter molto sottili di colore verde, più glitter esagonali di due diverse dimensioni del medesimo verde. Lo trovo davvero splendido!
La formula è davvero liquida, per cui consiglio di stendere una base gommosa, che dà maggior grip, oppure di fare passate molto sottili. Nelle mie foto potete vedere il risultato di 3 mani di Green Galaxy.

I tempi di asciugatura sono piuttosto buoni, così come la durata.
Non sono solita acquistare molti Ceramic Effect, penso che 7.60€ non siano proprio pochi per uno smalto (no, non li trovo MAI in sconto), ma nel caso del Green Galaxy, ne vale proprio la pena! E' uno smalto davvero unico.
Prima di salutarvi, una nota veloce: so di essere stata un po' "sòla" durante questa challenge, non ho postato neppure una nail art vera e propria... Mancanza di ispirazione, ahimé. Spero di recuperare con la M, ho in testa un'idea supercarina, sperando ovviamente di fare un buon lavoro e non un pastrocchio terrificante. 
Per oggi è tutto, vi abbraccio e vi dò appuntamento a presto!

Applicazione / Application
Asciugatura / Drying time
Coprenza / Pigmentation
Durata / Longevity

44 commenti:

  1. Risposte
    1. Io ringrazio il Santo Smoll... Anche se ormai è finita la pacchia, hanno tolto quasi del tutto Layla. Sono ancora in lutto. :(

  2. I looove green polishes. This is a really cool darker shade of green.

    I used to never do nail art, unless layering glitters can be called nail art, but since this challenge I've done it twice. Everyone is so inspiring. =D

    1. I definitely agree, this challenge helps to be a better blogger! I'm sure it'll work for me too, maybe a bit late... :D

  3. Wow, che bello! Per qualche motivo ero convinta che si trattasse di un dupe del flakes smeraldo di Nfu-Oh che già possiedo, invece ora ho un nuovo bisogno!

    1. Mmmm sì, credo di aver intuito di quale parli (anche se ce ne sono due di verdi flakies, ma a memoria uno è molto più intenso dell'altro). Come colore di base ci siamo, ma questo è un concentrato di glitter glitterosissimi. Entrambi splendidi! :)

  4. I love this, it's a little like Across the Universe in green (sort of?), I agree it's worth the price!

    About feeling an awful blogger, I say you shouldn't. AT ALL. I love your swatches, plus it's notmal, life gets in the way sometimes. More than once even ;)

    1. Yep, it's a sort of Across the Universe in green! I don't have it, but I have the cheap dupe by Essence, I think I will try a sandwich mani with these two babies.
      And thank you for your words! <3 My life is a mess in the last period... Ok, in the last 5 years! :D

  5. Wow!! This is gorgeous!! I rarely buy Layla (really expensive in the US), but I wish I had bought this. And I love your posts. Life gets in the way for all of us, taking care of yourself is the most important! {{{{Hugs}}}}}

    1. Thank you so much! <3 Easter Holidays helped me to relax a lot (even if I got sick!!!!) and I have a nice (I hope) nail art to show tomorrow! :)

  6. Wow what a beautiful green!! Please dont feel guilty about your blogging, your nail swatches and pictures are always gorgeous!! Its totally normal to feel a bit uninspired when life makes things difficult, I am feeling a bit the same myself. I hope everything turns out okay for you xxx

    1. Thank you! <3 Painting my nails and trying to create nail arts usually help me to relax a bit, I have to recover this good habit. :)

  7. Glorious polish. Love Layla lacquers. They're insanely beautiful.

    Cristina, your nails are art, in and of themselves.

    I'm so pleased to be part of this group, because it brings me in regular touch with lovely people like yourself.

    1. Thank you so much Lisa! At first I was a bit worried about joining this challenge (sometimes I feel uncomfortable in writing comments in english since it isn't my mother tongue and I don't want to be misunderstood because of my poor knowledges of the language) but I'm soooo happy I decided to participate. I found a wonderful group of amazing ladies! <3

  8. One of the best things about the gals in this challenge is that I've never felt like I'm not doing "enough" when I post. Everyone is so supportive, regardless of whether you do a fancy mani or just a plain ol' swatch. I just love looking at your nails no matter what's on them because they're just so lovely! I totally have nail envy over your nails lol

    1. Thank you Natalie! I have to say that this group of ladies is amazing: yes, everyone is so supportive and nice and kind and... I can't find more words to say how all of you are wonderful! :)

  9. Anything you post is amazing! Look at your nails I don't mind in the least I can just drool over how long and beautiful they are! This mani of course is no exception, beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much Nicole! I am repetitive, I know, but I can't find the right words to thank all of you for your sweet and wonderful comments. :)

  10. Beautiful rich deep green. And in my opinion, with nails like that you don't need to do a lot of nail art. You can show off polish like I never will be able to, and I'm a little jealous of that!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm really touched by all your supportive comments. You really made my day! <3

  11. ogni volta che passo da A&S lo vedo nell'espositore... è sempre il prezzo che mi frena :P a te sta proprio bene ^^

    1. Grazie Vania! Eh sì, il prezzo intero non è proprio super economico... Ma diciamo che è un regalo che ci si può fare! :)

  12. Neanch'io li trovo mai in sconto, ma solo perché non conosco qui nessuna piccola profumeria che li venda, o uno di quei negozi che vendono forniture per saloni...
    Dai, €7 e passa si possono sopportare :>

    1. Tasto dolente: di profumerie piccole ne ho trovate, ma sono ferme a 2-3 anni fa come "parco colori". Il negozio di forniture invece è in ZTL, chiuso di sabato, in settimana chiude alle 18. Anzi, una volta sono arrivata lì trafelata e baldanzosa alle 17.40 e mi hanno chiuso la saracinesca in faccia che "avevano fretta". Grazie eh. >.<

  13. Quando sono usciti mi sono buttata sui flakies, però ora un giro con questo lo farei volentieri (o è la figaggine sulle tue unghie che mi frega?).

    1. Nein, è davvero figo!!! Di questa collezione ho preso il rosso flakies e questo qua... Una bella gara tra chi è più bello!

  14. Se non avesse quei maxipezzettoni mi piacerebbe... Obiettivamente, però, è proprio proprio bello.

    1. Eh i glitteroni mi lasciano sempre indecisa... A volte aborro, a volte amo. In questo caso... Looooooove. :D

  15. Questo Green Galaxy è una bomba! bellissimo!

  16. I had this in my hands and out it back...what was I thinking?????? It's gorgeous!!! And it looks oh so amazing on you!!!!! And, as usual, your nails are just beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much Kimber! Mmmm, maybe next time? I read that Layla has a good distribution in the US, so you'll meet again in the future! :)

  17. Maa... e layerato su un verde scuro? Dici di no?

    1. Ci pensai, e secondo me è un'ottima idea. Prossimo giro sicuro! (magari su quel BB che sai... :D )

  18. Oh wow! That is gorgeous! I have that polish on my untrieds pile and I had no idea it's that stunning!

    1. It had been on my untrieds box for one year or even more, shame on us! :D

  19. I just purchased my first Layla in the red version of this, can't remember the name. Anyway I totally agree about the price being high. This is very lovely though, I hope the red is just as pretty!

    1. I think you're talking about Killing Red (I have it too!), it is wonderful and has a better pigmentation! I'm sure you'll be happy together! ;)

  20. Con questa collezione la Layla si è proprio superata!

    1. Sì, ci sono stati un paio di "colpi gobbi" davvero notevoli! :)

  21. OMG I didnt even know this polish existed! It is sooooo amazing. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful mani. Ughh this challenge is so bad for me. So much to put on my wish list lol

    1. Lol, I have your same problem: I have put a lot of polishes (expecially from indie brands) on my wishlist. :D This challenge is dangerous! :D


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