
domenica 29 marzo 2015

Stamping time: Purple Circles

Buona domenica a tutte!
Vi sarete accorte che ultimamente mi sto dedicando parecchio alla stamping, e per non perdere l'allenamento ve ne propongo uno anche oggi.
Sono partita dal bellissimo Daily Hues Emerson come base e ho scelto nuovamente un pattern dalla plate BP-21 di Born Pretty Store. Un semplice motivo geometrico a base di cerchi pieni e vuoti.
Come smalto da contrasto ho provato per la prima volta lo Chanel Vendetta, un viola che, applicato da solo, è talmente scuro da sembrare quasi nero, e che con la sua eccellente pigmentazione si è prestato perfettamente allo scopo.
Una mano del top coat Essence Gel Look (lo sto per terminare e non riesco a trovarlo da nessuna parte, mannaggiaaaa!) et voilà, les jeux sont faits!
Spero che vi piaccia e a presto!

Hi ladies and good Sunday to all of you!
You have probably noticed that I'm doing a lot of stamping manicures in these last weeks. I've neglected this technique for years and I want to make up for lost time. In the past I've had serious difficulties for years because I used a terrible stamper that doesn't work on me. Now that I found the right stamper, I can't stop!
Anyway, for today's manicure I started from the beautiful Daily Hues Emerson and I picked another design from BP-21 stamping plate by Born Pretty Store. It's a simple geometrical pattern with circles.
As a stamping polish I chose Chanel Vendetta, a very dark purple which almost looks black if used alone. It has a very high pigmentation and works perfectly for stamping. 
I finished my manicure with one coat of Essence Gel Look Top Coat et voilà, les jeux sont faits!
Hope you'll like it and... Talk to you soon!

***Daily Hues Emerson mi è stato inviato a scopo recensione. Chanel Vendetta e la plate BP-21 sono stati acquistati da me***
***Daily Hues Emerson was sent for a honest review. Chanel Vendetta and BP-21 stamping plate were bought by me***

8 commenti:

  1. Molto pop! Adorabili i colori che hai scelto, stanno benissimo insieme :-)

  2. It is like this: when you find a great stamper, you stamp and stamp!

  3. I have some problems too when it comes to stamping, so maybe I have to change my stamper too!
    You've made a great manicure. I am looking forward for your next stamped nails!

  4. This is beautiful!! And to know that you started out not being able to stamp, gives me hope that I will one day figure this out! Stamping hates me! I need to keep practicing, because I love this!

  5. Great stamping. I do love the colours :-)

  6. Grandissima combinazione di colore e pattern! :D

  7. Bello, bello, bello! Mi piace tutto, la combinazione dei colori e lo stamping! :-)


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