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mercoledì 10 aprile 2013

ABC Challenge: N for Nfu Oh #56

Hi ladies!
Here I am with letter N of our polished marathon.
To me, letter N means only a thing when it comes to nail polish: Nfu Oh! [sorry, Nubar: your products are amazing too, but Nfu Oh was one of my first love when I stopped biting my nails!]
My first holos and flakies were by Nfu Oh, and even if now I have dozens and dozens of beautiful holo and flakie polishes by other brands, Nfu Ohs still have a special place in my heart.
Nfu Oh #56, from Opal Series, has a acid green and really sheer base with duochrome flakies in green and blue and very fine glitters of same colors. It isn't nothing special if worn alone, but if you try to layer it over another polish... Pure magic. It is stunning!
In my pics you can see two coats over one coat of Orly Liquid Vinyl; maybe a creme black plus a sheer and flakie polish isn't the most creative combo ever but, IMO, it is the best combo if you want the opal flakies stand out.
That's all I have for you today, don't forget to check the other ladies' posts and... Have a nice day!

Ciao ragazze!
Oggi è il turno della lettera N, che per me significa una sola cosa quando si parla di smalti: Nfu Oh! [mi spiace Nubar, amo ed adoro anche i tuoi prodotti, ma Nfu Oh è stato uno dei miei primi ammmori!]
In effetti, i miei primi holo e flakies sono stati proprio della Nfu Oh, ed anche se oggi ne ho a decine di altri brand, beh... Quelle boccette a forma di bustier hanno comunque un posto speciale nel mio cuore!
Nfu Oh #56, della Opal Series, ha una base verde acido (per niente invitante!) molto sheer e flakies duochrome verdi ed azzurro, con microglitter degli stessi colori. Niente di speciale se messo da solo ma... Provate a layerizzarlo, ed ecco qua che avviene la magia!
Nelle mie foto potete vedere due mani sottili sopra una passata di Orly Liquid Vinyl. Di certo la combo nero creme+smalto sheer da layering non è delle più originali, ma credetemi, in questo caso è la migliore per far uscire e rendere al meglio i riflessi dell'Nfu Oh #56.
Bene bellezze, per oggi è tutto, vi auguro un'ottima giornata e vi dò appuntamento a presto!

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38 commenti:

  1. I can see why you have a soft spot for Nfu Oh's this is utterly gorgeous!

    1. I fell in love at first sight with Nfu Oh... I couldn't resist to their amazing colors and the lovely shape of their bottles! :)

  2. This polish looks so amazing on you!

  3. Svengo. Mi piace troppo questo effetto abbinato a questa colorazione e alle tue unghie.

    1. Grazie mille! Tutto merito dello smalto, è davvero spaziale! :)

  4. This is gorgeous! What an incredible shade of green.

  5. Eccezzzzzziunale veramente! *__________*

    Questo 56 in particolare non celo, ma ne ho altri 4 di Opal Nfu.Oh... Ovviamente amatissimi! <3

  6. Bellloooooooooo
    Ma perchè io gli ho preferito il 54??? Che poi nemmeno mi piace una volta applicato...

    1. Il 54 non è niente male, ma è un po' più soft (non CELO ma ho visto un po' di foto on line). Peccato non ti piaccia! :(

  7. Holy moly, that's gorgeous. OMG.

    I'm with you, Cristina! My favorite way of wearing flakies is over black, and this mani shows up spectacularly over that Orly Liquid Vinyl (a fave black of mine, btw).

    I've never seen this brand here in the states :(, and with the cost of international postage having suddenly gone through the roof, I may be waiting a very long time.

    All the more reason for me to continue my addiction to international nail blogs. It gives me a vicarious thrill. LOL.

    1. I was lucky enought to find a couple of european websites which sells Nfu Oh and which has good prices. I know what you mean when you talk about high international postage costs, I had to renounce to a lot of polishes because of them. :(
      But I'm really happy with my collection anyway, I can't complain. :)

  8. That is one of the prettiest polishes I have ever seen!

  9. Il mio amore per gli Opal è quasi paragonabile ai
    Prima di morire li voglio tutti. 6 non mi bastano. *____*

    1. Ahahahah io ne ho 7 ma ne vorrei ancora uno! (il 60)
      Son troppo megagalattici! *_*

  10. Stunning!!! I love this polish! And you can never go wrong with flakies!!!!

    1. If you're in doubt, wear flakies! :D
      This could be a good motto for a polishaholic! :)

  11. You can never go wrong with a flakie over just makes those beautiful flecks sing! Gorgeous polish, thanks for sharing!

    1. I tried several different bases for flakies but... Yes, black is definitely the best!
      Thank you for reading and commenting Natalie! :)

  12. Oh Nfu Ohs...I love them so much but they're so expensive for me to get...thank you for posting this, that way I can admire this beauty :)

    1. Yep, they're quite expensive! Years ago I found an online shop from Estonia which has good prices and a fantastic customer service. Prices have increased in the last months, luckily I bought all that I wanted years ago during a sale! :)

  13. Quanto è uguale al Layla che se non sbaglio hai? Su nero si differenziano tanto? Pura curiosità! Come sai non amo particolarmente i flakies ma quando ho visto questo ho subito pensato al Layla!

    1. Per fortuna sono molto diversi (se ti riferisci al Galaxy Green)! Il Layla non è flakie, ha i glitteronzi, non è duochrome e di per sé ha una sua dignità, questo non riuscirebbe ad essere coprente da solo nemmeno con 5 passate, ha base molto più chiara e sheer! :)

  14. Oh my! That is so gorgeous! Yes, maybe not the most original combo but why change it since it's perfection that way :)

  15. Beautiful! I don't have many Nfu Ohs because they're not so convenient to get but I do very much like the ones I have.

  16. So pretty, it reminds me of the Emerald City in the wizard of oz! So cool!

  17. I have this slated for an upcoming Flakie Friday! I love this polish over dark colors. When I swatched it alone I was like...uh....what? But layered it is incredible. It looks stunning on your nails!

  18. WOW, this is gorgeous! I love flakies - and the blue and green just stand out beautifully against the black base.

  19. Oooooft, I want it, it's SO PRETTY

  20. OMFG!! Like, now!!

  21. I didnt know Nfu Oh had flakies too! It's soo beautiful!

  22. OH How beautiful! I don't have any Nfu's but I NEEEEED some!

  23. Vorrei tanto provare uno smalto Nfu-oh!


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